04 Feb 2020

Determination: Brady’s Recovery from Anoxic Brain Injury

In 2017, at 20 years old, Brady suffered an anoxic brain injury while at school in California. After six weeks in a coma, he opened his eyes, but found it impossible to talk, let alone stand. Thankfully, his cognition was still in-tact, and he was able to regain his speech. However, was physically restricted to a wheelchair, as the injury resulted in lack of muscle coordination and impaired lower body function. After his coma, Brady was finally able to be med-flighted home to Massachusetts to attend therapy.

Brady’s first big challenge during therapy was to stand. The process of getting himself up was excruciatingly painful, leaving him in tears during many sessions. Once standing became bearable, he began relearning how to walk with assistive devices and braces, which proved even more challenging. Even though he was still working on walking and improving his functional abilities, Brady was discharged from therapy after only three months, left to somehow continue improving by himself.

In July 2019, Brady’s mom heard about Supportive Living, Inc. and SLI’s Neuro-Fit assisted exercise program, which provides brain injury survivors hands-on assistance, an accessible facility, adaptive equipment, and affordable fitness. Brady quickly joined the program, dedicated himself to fitness class three days each week, open to trying anything and everything that could help him reach his goal of walking and living independently.

After just 3 months in Neuro-Fit, Brady’s legs have become stronger, he is increasingly more confident, and has become more social. He was even able to move into his own apartment in September. His Neuro-Fit program has been specifically created to meet his goal of walking unassisted, improving his balance, and functional activities. Brady continues to be one of the most motivated and strong-willed individuals in the program, demonstrating to others what determination can do.

For more information about SLI’s Neuro-Fit Program, please contact Kara Lavertu at klavertu@supportivelivinginc.org

BIA-MA is proud to partner with Supportive Living, Inc. and is thankful for their continued support in the BIA-MA mission. BIA-MA Support Groups are hosted at Douglas House (Lexington, MA) on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Please visit www.biama.org/eventsandactivities for more information on upcoming activities.

By: Kara Lavertu, MS, CGFI, Manager, Neuro Wellness, Supportive Living, Inc.

This article extracted from the BIA-MA Fall 2019 newsletter. Click here for the full issue.